So I was hanging out in my monthly writers' Skype group the other day and got into another session of shortening and untwisting someone's jacket copy for a query they were about to send out to some agents. What's "jacket copy", you may ask? The BookBaby blog calls it "that briefest of descriptions which must, at quick glance, convey to a potential reader all the brilliance and complexity of your book". Sometimes called a "blurb" (which seems to have evolved into a catch-all word for half a dozen book-related things), jacket copy is the teaser text either on the back of a paperback's cover, or printed on the inside leaf of the removable book jacket. It summarizes the central characters and the main conflict of the story in a couple of brief paragraphs. Anyway, apparently I'm pretty good at it! Chris Ruz suggested that I should do it officially, for a small fee (most authors that do this, do it for upwards of sixty, seventy bucks), so I decided to take him up on that and offer it as a service.