NaNoSitMo Day 311/3/2015 Day 3. It was still overcast and gross outside, lots of puddles and wet leaves, but I stepped outside for a jog anyway. I made lunch before I left because I knew I'd be too bandy-legged and tired when I got back to stand in the kitchen fooling around with food. Chicken salad with mini-pepperoni and green olives. Not the best post-workout food, perhaps, but it was all I had and it was light. It's still hot in November, enough to get mobbed by mosquitoes; they were all over me as soon as I stepped outside. I'd meant to get a pedometer at the store when I went to the post office yesterday, but I forgot. Guess I'll just have to wing it. Probably walked more than I ran, but I've been sedentary for a long time. It's going to take patience to ease back into running regularly. The road was extremely busy for some reason today, too--I was constantly stepping out into the mud and grass to keep away from the cars. I wore my FiveFingers. They're the best for running because they give you the most foot control, and since I have the weak right ankle from my hellacious sprain in Basic Training, I need something with no heel and a thin sole. Stepped on a few poky pebbles, but it was worth it not to roll my ankle again. Actually kinda looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. I don't want to be big again. When I enlisted, I was big, and I don't ever want to be that heavy again, ever. I went from 240 to 166. I lost so much weight I didn't get included in the weight loss congrats portion of my company's Basic graduation because nobody believed me when I told them I lost that much weight. It feels good to be in shape, too. I'm beginning to feel old and creaky, and not taking care of my fitness makes it ten times worse. Besides, I want to go see my girlfriend Jessica at some point, and she deserves a taken-care-of Me, I think.