NaNoSitMo11/2/2015 I am gaining weight again.
If you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it’s an abbreviation of “National Novel Writing Month,” in which a metric fuck-ton of people all decide at the same time to write a 50,000-word novel in the month of November. But since I just finished the first draft of Malus Domestica II and I’m on a little bit of a hiatus at the moment before I knuckle down on the manuscript for Outlaw King 4 (already in progress), I’ve decided to do something different: “NaNoSitMo”. National No-Sitting Month. While you folks pound out the prose, I’m hopefully going to be whipping my ass back into shape. Unless one of the maniacs screeching up and down this road out here plows me over like Mr. King. Tomorrow I have to carry the books from my Goodreads giveaway to the post office and mail them off. It’s a long walk, with a lot of hills and curves, and should prove a worthy start to a month of being more active. Instead of logging my wordcounts, I’m going to pop in here and record how the month is going so far. Gonna take it easy at first since I’ve been so sedentary from working, and work up to jogging every day. Hopefully it doesn’t rain too much—it’s been raining fairly heavily, on and off, and very dreary, for about a week now. If I had a FitBit I’d wear one…but they’re expensive, so I’ll be making do with a pedometer.