Molesterol7/21/2014 I haven't slept. This seems like an appropriate point to make another pass at doing a blog; insomnia, in the movies, is narratively speaking one of the tastiest environments for a character to undertake a task as potentially melancholy and introspective as blogging. One of my favorite YouTube series, "CaughtNotSleeping", started out this way.
I don't know why I haven't slept. I took two melatonin just after midnight and laid down, and then proceeded to lie in the bed awake for several hours. I took the opportunity to finish reading John Oakes' The Right Kind of Stupid, and it was without a doubt one of the best books I've ever read of any genre, or of any provenance, self-published or traditionally-published. If you like "realistic" drama stories with a lot of verve and comedy, I highly recommend it. I'm going to be writing a glowing review of it once I've had some sleep and can assemble a coherent thought. Between repeatedly checking my Twitter and the upvotes on my Reddit posts, I drank a whole half a pitcher of iced coffee and I'm sitting here groggy at 10am. For some reason, judging by the stream-of-consciousness silliness I tend to pour into Twitter when I'm like this, apparently I should do my "humor edit" on my WIP when I'm sleepy. Like they say (who was "they" again? Hemingway?), "Write drunk, edit sober." Well, I hear that going without a night of sleep is legally comparable to being under the influence of alcohol--at least, where driving is concerned--and I can believe it. I'll probably do up something about Amazon when I wake up, and how Kindle Unlimited is horseshit for everybody. Here's a sneakpeek: you have to be on KDP Select to be included as an author on (and benefit from) Unlimited, and Select requires exclusivity to Amazon. This basically means that Amazon is now actively bleeding every other bookseller into a bucket like a hog in a slaughterhouse and drinking it to gain the hog's powers. I hope you guys like Amazon, because it's turning itself into a monopoly gestalt like some kind of Megazord made out of assholes and money, and the government doesn't seem to give one shit. Welcome back to the 19th century, folks. stare at a point on the wall